Please remember that we are New Englander's and we help each other.

It was instilled upon my masshole brain growing up that in a storm, everything else is trivial. It does not matter if they have a MAGA sticker or a hybrid (hoping I get the team cars right). if someone is suck on the side of the road you help them. You don't have to talk to them other than giving them a bit of shit for getting suck. but you help.

  • See someone shoveling when you are snow blowing offer to help.
  • Have a truck? keep some towing straps around just incase.

We are the best that the US has to offer, and over tribe there is clan. Let them shallow MFers dig themselves out while we dig each other out.

Yes even if they are from Connecticut.

EDIT: People think I am some MAGA cuck. Actually I am a life long green party/democrat. (except that time in the elementary school mock vote where I went with Ross Perot).

I just don't want to sink to the selfish level.**