Garrus was voted to be a good squadmate with a meh loyalty mission. Who is a MEH squadmate with a MEH loyalty mission?

Welcome back! It's time for the most average, middle of the road squadmate and loyalty mission yet!


  • This chart may include Loyalty Missions from Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect Andromeda

  • Based on popular demand, this chart may also include Wrex's family armor mission in Mass Effect 1, because it has an actual impact on Wrex's survivability, unlike Tali's and Garrus' missions in ME1

  • When judging a squadmate, remember that this can include their writing, their gameplay, or anything else that comes to mind when you think of this character

Who fits as a "meh" squadmate overall, but with a loyalty mission that's also "meh"? Let me know your suggestions in the comments and the most upvoted suggestion will be selected, so it's a good idea to include your reasoning :) thanks for playing!

Welcome back! It's time for the most average, middle of the road squadmate and loyalty mission yet!


  • This chart may include Loyalty Missions from Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect Andromeda

  • Based on popular demand, this chart may also include Wrex's family armor mission in Mass Effect 1, because it has an actual impact on Wrex's survivability, unlike Tali's and Garrus' missions in ME1

  • When judging a squadmate, remember that this can include their writing, their gameplay, or anything else that comes to mind when you think of this character

Who fits as a "meh" squadmate overall, but with a loyalty mission that's also "meh"? Let me know your suggestions in the comments and the most upvoted suggestion will be selected, so it's a good idea to include your reasoning :) thanks for playing!