Samara won the previous round! Finally, who is a BAD squadmate with a BAD loyalty mission?

Welcome to the final round! We're now down to the final square: a bad squadmate with a bad loyalty mission... who fits this square best in the Mass Effect games?


Who fits as a "bad" squadmate overall, but with a loyalty mission that's also "bad"? Let me know your suggestions in the comments and the most upvoted suggestion will be selected, so it's a good idea to include your reasoning :) thanks for playing!

Welcome to the final round! We're now down to the final square: a bad squadmate with a bad loyalty mission... who fits this square best in the Mass Effect games?


Who fits as a "bad" squadmate overall, but with a loyalty mission that's also "bad"? Let me know your suggestions in the comments and the most upvoted suggestion will be selected, so it's a good idea to include your reasoning :) thanks for playing!