Please tell me how to beat Kashtira.

I want you to understand that everything I am about to say is being said in sound mind, and was carefully considered before typing it. I have not played master duel today, I have not recently come out of an argument about the topic, nothing has increased my stress levels to the point that I am not thinking rationally. Everything I am about to say is genuine and without exaggeration, and I have looked over every sentence before posting to ensure that.

If the English Language contains any words, curses, slurs or sounds adequate to express my hatred for Kashtira, I do not know them.

I have not had a single duel, win or lose, where I fought someone using Kash and had any fun. I do not experience schadenfreude when steamrolling Kashtira, or when seeing them surrender. Even in a completely different deck, seeing a single copy of any Kashtira card causes me to enter a state of overwhelming rage. Every time my opponent plays a Kashtira card, I actually get headaches from the stress until it's completely removed from the field.

Every aspect of the deck appears designed to be anti-fun, from the monsters to the spells. Arise-Heart and Shangri-Ira punish you for continuing to play the game once they've hit the field. Every card I play attempting to get rid of Kashtira only makes it harder to fight back.

I would rather duel the unholy trinity of Tenpai, Tearlaments and Runick ten times a day for a week straight than deal with a single Kashtira player. I have similar levels of hate for Raidraptors, and would play against an unbroken string of 10 Raidraptors decks just to stop having to deal with Kashtira. I have never won a duel against Yubel, and would genuinely spend 24 hours doing nothing but breathing and dueling Yubel if it meant I never have to see that archetype again in any context.

If causing myself physical injury would get the entire archetype banned, I would do it.

Since I do not live in a society where causing myself pain would result in the removal of something I hate, I want to ask for help in dealing with the archetype. I want to know as many ways to shut Kashtira down as exist in the game. All of the choke points, all of the weaknesses, any card or line of text that can possibly be used to prevent every card containing the word "Kashtira" from accomplishing anything whatsoever.

I do not care what depths of depravity and degeneracy I have to go to, I want a deck and strategy that will guarantee the extermination of all Kashtira decks that enter my line of sight. I am willing to lose duels to every other meta deck in existence. I am willing to suck the joy out of the game for myself and everyone I have to expose this deck to. There is, without exaggeration, nothing that is off the table if it is a legal card in Master Duel.

My sole objective at this point in time is to hunt down and defeat Kashtira players, no matter the cost. Please advise me on the most effective strategy available to do so.


Thank you for your contributions. I've put together a deck which I felt was sufficient in its ability to counter Kashtira. I do not think I will be using it any further after having comfirmed that fact. It's an Eldlich Control deck that uses all kinds of nasty floodgates and is, in all honesty, more toxic than Kashtira ever was.

Regardless, the insight you all have given me has been highly valuable in allowing me to introduce tech cards and strategies in my main deck to deal with Kashtira going forward. I honestly feel that my hatred for the archetype has died a little now that I know its weaknesses.

This experiment has proven to be very, very useful.

Kindest regards.