Does it bother y'all that specialising takes very long

I am currently in medical school, kind of close to finishing and looking forward to graduating. But exams are definitely not done after med school because I'd like to specialise. Whenever I think about specialising options, I always calculate in my head how old I will be when I finish and it always comes to mid 30s, realistically. I feel like the early part of my 20s was taken up by med school and now it seems (even though I will be practicing as a doctor and earning at least) the latter part and early 30s will also be taken up by study. I don't mind studying, and I know it will lead me to a very good place in life (as I have already experienced), but I already feel very old just thinking about how much more time it'll take to be done - does it bother y'all like it bothers me? I know that age is pretty arbitrary, and that the journey should be the focus rather than the end goal. But as someone who's still in my early 20s, I feel like med is on the way to swallowing all of my 20s.