I took out my cup and haven’t bled since
Sorry if this is a TMI, but I was a little worried something’s wrong. For reference, my period lasts an average of 4 days (not including the little spotty amount at the end of it). On my THIRD day I put in my cup (after not using it for a few periods, and when I use it it’s never the whole period usually only one day for an event or something where I can’t go to the bathroom often) and I wore it for around 9 hours. When I took it out, I put a pad in and around 5 hours later I noticed only a few little dots that wouldn’t even equal the size of a penny put together. I was worried because my period usually doesn’t stop this drastically or this quickly. I figured maybe it was my body just getting used to not having a cup in at the end of the day, but I woke up the next morning and nothing.
I usually have a few irregular periods a year but not all the time, so it’s not like I’m freaking out, but at the same time I was a little concerned. Usually it’s like 5-6 days COUNTING the spotting at the end. It just vanished no spotting on day 3 when I WAS fully bleeding. Do you think I should see a doctor or you think I’m okay? TIA