How to Manage Pre Migraine Anxiety
Hi there
A “brief” history: I started getting migraines at age 11. At 12 I started going to a specialty clinic at a very prestigious teaching hospital. I started on a daily medication and then, because my migraines were hormonal, at 14 I went on birth control.
From 12-22 I took meds 3x per day and had a cocktail for breakthrough headaches. I was able to function enough to live a normal life.
From 22-25 I weaned off the daily meds and after that my migraines were very manageable. I got 2-5 per year that were bad but the rest I could still function.
I’m now 39 and after stopping breastfeeding my youngest about 5-6 months ago my migraines are back in full force. But my normal “tells” am that I’m about to get one are no longer there.
I get them around my period. It’s been before, it’s been during, it’s been after. There’s no pattern like before. So now I find myself extremely anxious in the week leading up to my period.
I don’t need one more symptom to make me anxious or affect my daily life. I’m seeing a therapist and start seeing a neurologist in May, I just don’t know how to manage the sense of dread I feel right now.