Another update on outstanding issues (Sept 27)


Another update on our system issues.

Existing Ports

Almost every disconnected port from the past few weeks (where the phone number stopped working on the old carrier but didn't come online on Mint) has been fixed. If yours hasn't been fixed, it's either one of those last few - otherwise our technical operations team needs your info - please contact care again.

If your old SIM still works and you are waiting a port, this is usually indicative that your account#/pin# were rejected by the old carrier. Care or logging into the website can help you resubmit.

Without Service / Can't Renew

For those stuck without service upon renewal, that's been the top issue for the last day and a half - 70% were fixed last night, with 16% still requiring triage and the balance requiring upstream fixes that we are pushing hard on.


98% of activations yesterday were successful, but a few ports that completed yesterday got ported in but an upstream system didn't send us the 'complete' to finish provisioning. Those are being looked at today - I don't anticipate this taking long to fix.

Trial SIM users were having trouble converting to renewal plans. The root cause isn't fixed in the app yet, but Care now has the tools to fix.


Care training is proceeding well as we provide them updated tools on the new systems. They've also gotten far better at messaging out to subs once items are fixed. I appreciate your difficulties when they tell you that they can't fix your problem, or there is a disconnect on compensation or free temp SIMs, but the incidents are reducing rapidly.

Other issues

We believe we have a root cause for Data-Bolt ons not being applied for customers, and any cash that was spent has or will be re-credited soon. I'll share that I had the same issue on Monday and told the team not to work on my case as a special case, but treat me like any other subscriber - Tuesday afternoon a fix came in. (I wasn't notified by our Care team, which is a process opportunity improvement we’ve deployed.)


We aren't out of the woods, but I hope these updates at least let you know we are fully committed to solving issues as fast as possible. More than two-dozen people at Mint wake up every day debugging issues, doing code fixes, and wrangling upstream vendor. I use the bathtub analogy - we've got a tub with dirty water in it (your issues), and we have to tackle it both ways - draining the tub of issues, as well as making sure the tub doesn't continue filling. Every indication is that more problems are leaving than are entering (since Monday).


Sept 25 Post

Sept 22 Post