Ive rendered my verdict on the weapon skills and armor skills being seperate...

It sucks. It cripples build diversity, everyone is using the same few armor pieces unless your a stamina based weapon like bow or dual blades, there's no need to craft a new set for any reason because your weapon has all the offensive skills you need, I am not having fun experimenting with weapons because I'm just using the weapon to fight the same 3 monsters to get the same parts to make that same weapon for another weapon type.

Ive already put 70 hours into this game but considering I put 1200 into world and im already feeling fatigued by the loop of this game im really not seeing me go past 100. I'm very disappointed because I thought this was gonna be my favorite monster hunter ever, and in the end I ended up liking even rise better than this game and I only put like 300 into rise/sunbreak combined.

I hope title updates can add something fresh to make this game fun for people who want to continue playing it beyond the story, but until then I guess I just gotta get what enjoyment I can out of it and move on.