11.9% rent increase


So basically, I'm in a triplex which got sold a little over a month ago. The new landlords informed of the rent increase; a nice 90$.

I emailed them back inquiring on the reasons for such an increase, notably requesting a calculation grid.

They did not provide me said grid, instead stating rising costs that comes with the landlord change, insurance costs rising to 3800$, a 2.5 times increase compared to the last landlord, according to them ofc, no proof of that (I have renter's insurance btw, documents which they requested to see previously for an unknown reason). And they finally stated interest rates going up steeply (I don't think that's part of the equation??).

There was no reparation or major work done in the previous year as far as I know, and the new landlords have been here not even a month, so they haven't done anything for me or my place. I checked the taxes increase and it really wasn't remarkably higher, so I don't understand.

Update: after asking the other tenants, I was informed they have that same 11.9% increase.