Belly-Conrad and Minho-Kitty

WARNING: this post includes ‘the summer I turned pretty’ spoilers so if you haven’t watched that show and are planning to watch, then don’t read this right now.

So.. I finally watched tsitp. I used to get soo confused when people used to compare Minho with Jeremiah. Because I watched a few clips of that show before and I always thought Minho is not at all comparable to Jeremiah. But now that I’ve actually watched the show that fact it’s confirmed for me.

Trust me the amount of parallels kittyuri and bellyjere have, they cannot even be counted because there are too many.

But I’ll give you a few examples of where Minho is in Conrad’s place (aka the endgame) and Yuri is in Jeremiah’s place.

Jere/Yuri are about to do something with the main character but the Conrad/Minho end up doing it. Jeremiah was supposed to dance with Belly at the debutant ball but Conrad is the one ends up doing it. Yuri is the one who’s supposed to go with Kitty to hear great-aunt’s house but Minho ends up doing it.

This is the famous one. Conrad walks in on bellyjere’s kiss. Minho walks in on the kittyuri kiss.

Plus not really an example but Minho is always involved in the shenanigans Kitty is up to. Like when he was the one who spent more time with Kitty on her first date with Praveena. Same Conrad is always there when bellyjere are sharing a moment (either in physical form or in Belly’s mind). Like when they kiss either Belly is thinking about Conrad or he walks in on them. But in the moment with Conrad it’s just Conrad no one else. Same way when Kitty is with Minho she isn’t talking or thinking anyone else. It’s just them in their own world.

And Conrad and Minho always are the ones who will make the sassy remarks, are sarcastic,remember little details about the main character. Jeremiah and Yuri are the ones who are able to know what the main character wants at any point. They can always read the main character’s mind or the main character is able to read their mind. They are generally the ones that are sweet to the main character and are the ‘easier’ choice. Whereas Conrad and Minho challenge the main character to show the parts of herself that nobody else generally gets to see.

Bellyconrad have a dance scene. Mooncovey have a dance scene. Bellyjere have a scene where the are lying next to each other in season 2. Kittyuri have a similar scene in season 1.

There are countless parallels between mooncovey and bellyconrad. And countless parallels between kittyuri and bellyjere. I literally found myself saying “this is soo mooncovey coded” during Belly and Conrad scenes and even found a lot of similarities between Yuri and Jeremiah. But I listed the few that I remember. Feel free to share your thoughts. And tell me if I missed any other parallel.