My mom organized my stuff without asking me
For context. I am almost 30. No i DO NOT live with my mom.
She babysits my son when I go to work. But when I got back from work she told me that she reoragnized everything in my room and also did all of my laundry. I did NOT tell her to do that.
When she told me that I said "You did not have to do that."
And then she said "Yes I did."
I understand it might seem generous at face value but it makes me feel weird because 1) I don't know if she is using that as an excuse to go through my stuff.
2) I don't want her to do extra work just so she can guilt trip me about it later
3) I did not ask her to do that. I asked her to babysit my son. Not to be my maid.
4) This isn't her house. So I don't understand why she thinks she has the right to do any of this when I don't even live with her. Even IF this was her house she would use the excuse "Your room is also my room cause this house is mine. All of the rooms are mine cause this is my house."
Yeah my toddler has a habbit of being messy. I could understand if she felt the need to clean a spill my son made if he did it while I was at work while she was watching him. But thats not an excuse to organize my whole closet and do my laundry.
5) I sometimes wonder if she did it to make up for making me late for work so much. (I have a different post about that.)