is my manduca sexta ok??

I got a hornworm to feed to my tarantula, but she didn’t want it, so I had to do some last-minute scrambling for proper hornworm care. It pupated in January and currently looks like this… I’m pretty sure it’s in diapause (I wasn’t giving it a proper light schedule at first because I wasn’t originally planning on raising it), but the pupa also just… doesn’t look right. It still moves when I touch it, so I’m pretty sure it’s still alive, but is it ok? Is it possible to tell at this point if it will emerge successfully? I know the proboscis is very short—I’m prepared to hand-feed it if necessary—but other parts look off, too… Granted, I’m not exactly experienced at this so I may be overanalyzing, but that’s why I’m asking people who know what they’re doing, lol.