If “NO TITLE” ever deterred you from a purchase, here’s what I did.
I recently just bought a 2006 Suzuki GSXR 600 for $2000. It had 28K miles and no title. There is a website called NICB.org which is the National Insurance Crime Bureau. You can check the VIN for free to see if it’s stolen. My state (TN) requires if the vehicle is worth less than $3000, you can apply for a certificate of ownership. On the official document it outlines what you need to do.
Have police run VIN and hand you the paper
Put an ad in the paper and wait 10 days
Get an appraisal or notarized bill of sale
It was an easy process. Do your due diligence and research. I got a $4.5k bike for $2k cause of no title.
TLDR; bought a bike with no title. $100, some paperwork and 2 weeks later, I own it legally.
Ask any questions if you have any and I’ll tell you my experience.