Twilight frustrating to watch?

I'm by no means an expert in movies, in fact i'm pretty much the target audience of the twilight series: a middle school girl. However i'm only two movies in and found the first to be decent, but the second SO EXTREMELY FRUSTRATING. The way Bella moped around for half the movie, got with Jacob because she's so heavily reliant on boys and tried to replace Edward with him, then moped around again and ditched him. Excuse me? It made her such an unlikable main character and I felt like the second movie was just her and her over dramatised love life. Now don't get me wrong, I like a bit of dramatic romance and supernatural, i'm a teenager after all, and I quite enjoyed the first movie, it was cool and Bella wasn't frustrating enough to the point I'd want to quit watching the movie, but I think the second was horrible, i really had my hopes up ngl.

I probably will finish the series because well; hot guys. But please tell me it gets better from here, I don't wanna have to deal with romanticised mental illness in a misrepresented way and a girl who is so hopeless and does nothing in the whole movie except bitch about being a human. She really did not do much for the plot at all, all the other characters were making it go forwards and it was just her reacting to whatever mishap was thrown at her.