David Fincher's SE7EN blew me away.

Late to the party, I know. I went into this with high expectations considering it's regarded as one of the greatest noir/thrillers ever made by a lot of people. And after finishing it last night? you can count me as one of those people lol.

What I was not expecting was how stunning this film looks. Seriously, the movie is drowning in atmosphere and has a tone that is completely it's own. I kinda laughed when I found out it was released in 1995 because it visually wipes the floor with virtually everything that has come out within the last few years. Aside from stuff like BR 2049, The Batman 2022, Dune, etc. I don't know if watching it on Blue-ray had anything to do with it but good god I can't express enough how aesthetically appealing it is.

I'd seen the "what's in the box" scene in memes before but didn't have a clue what was actually in there. I thought it was going to be used as some mystery box thing but halfway through the film I connected the dots when the diner conversation happened...and I felt my heart sink. Right then and there it clicked and I figured who wrath would be. From then on the movie had its grip on me until the credits rolled.