How To Make A Musical Scary?
I’m in the process of writing a horror podcast operetta. Honestly, it’s very daunting at times, but it’s also something I think I can do.
Basically, it’s an origin story of the Bloody Mary urban legend that takes place in 1666 London. As of now, I think I have a pretty solid outline and good character development. Some music has been written, but there’s still a ton left to write.
Because it’s a podcast, I’m splitting the story up into 4 “episodes”.
My main concept is to make it scary. I can’t think of any musical that is scary imo, even though there are some darker gothic horror musicals out there that have really great music and atmosphere, they just lack the scary aspect. Does anybody know of any terrifying stage productions, whether they be plays, musicals, operas, whatever?
Also does anyone have any advice on how I can achieve my goal of making it scary?