which is the best friendship lesson in your opinion?

one of my favourites is definitely the lesson from "Rarity takes Manehattan", where she (being the generous pony she is) lends leftover fabric to another designer only for that designer to steal Raritys designs. Rarity completely loses sight of her generous self, burned by the betrayal, but in the end learns a very valuable lesson that you shouldn't never let someone change who you are because they've taken advantage of the best part of you. It also teaches how negative actions can affect more than just the people directly attached to it, as Rarity began to lose trust and faith in not only herself, but her friends.

Definitely a goodie for me!

what's your favourite friendship lesson?

one of my favourites is definitely the lesson from "Rarity takes Manehattan", where she (being the generous pony she is) lends leftover fabric to another designer only for that designer to steal Raritys designs. Rarity completely loses sight of her generous self, burned by the betrayal, but in the end learns a very valuable lesson that you shouldn't never let someone change who you are because they've taken advantage of the best part of you. It also teaches how negative actions can affect more than just the people directly attached to it, as Rarity began to lose trust and faith in not only herself, but her friends.

Definitely a goodie for me!

what's your favourite friendship lesson?