TIL that Nashville is ranked 124th out of 130 in walk score.

Zillow ranked the 130 cities in the U.S. with 200k+ population and Nashville comes in at 124th for walk score, 109th for transit (7 cities on the list have no transit), and 129th for bike score (second to last in front of Winston-Salem). The average walk score of the 130 cities is 48 which is deemed “Car-Dependent - Most errands require a car.” Nashvilles walk score falls in this category as well. Nashvilles transit score falls under the worst category for transit titled “Minimal Transit - It is possible to get on a bus” and the bike score comes in at the lowest bike category titled “Somewhat Bikeable - Minimal bike infrastructure”

Zillow ranked the 130 cities in the U.S. with 200k+ population and Nashville comes in at 124th for walk score, 109th for transit (7 cities on the list have no transit), and 129th for bike score (second to last in front of Winston-Salem). The average walk score of the 130 cities is 48 which is deemed “Car-Dependent - Most errands require a car.” Nashvilles walk score falls in this category as well. Nashvilles transit score falls under the worst category for transit titled “Minimal Transit - It is possible to get on a bus” and the bike score comes in at the lowest bike category titled “Somewhat Bikeable - Minimal bike infrastructure”