I joined the national guard

I officially signed my contract for the national guard the 21st of February. but i started my process in august of last year. The main reasoning was because i had been diagnosed with anxiety in the 8th grade (2020/2021) and it was on my record because we used my insurance (duh). so i had to get a waiver and it got pushed back so my recruiter resubmitted it and i got an appointment in mid February. at this point i had a feeling i was going to be permanently disqualified so i had started to apply to colleges and commit and also signed up for classes (i’m a senior now). so when i got the call that id be going to meps to swear in i was shocked. i initially wanted to be a 17e but they couldn’t get me in for that so then i said i wanted to be 17c and my recruiter said i wasn’t available in my state? (is this a lie, i feel like it’s a lie) so i agreed to sign as a 25u while at meps and now i would rather be a 25b but i heard it’s really difficult to change.

also ill be leaving on September 8 for reception at fort jackson for basic and then fort eisenhower for ait at the end of November. i’ve done a lot of ‘research’(youtube, tiktok and reddit😭) on both locations but i wanted know even more so tell me all of your stories like i will eat them up