What should happen to Paul?
(I’m UK time but we will not be giving away any spoilers here for Aussie viewers!)
What does everyone think should be the conclusion to Paul’s character as they wrap up the show?
I like Paul’s character but personally, I want him to end up sad and alone. I think it is the only fitting end for a character that consistently does awful and frankly evil things but always seems to be forgiven. I want him to cross so far over onto the dark side that his whole family and all of Erinsborough turn their backs on him. I want the final shot of him to be him alone in the penthouse, class of whisky in hand, eyes all welled up with tears as he looks around and realises he has no one left in his life and it’s all his fault.
A bit dark, sure, but I honestly think it’s what his character deserves. I don’t see how the writers could redeem him now because I don’t think true redemption could be genuine from a character that is written to just apologise and then do something even worse over and over and over…
So I don’t want to see him happy. I want to see him sit with the consequences of his actions. Whether the writers envision him reuniting with his family off screen post credits is up to them but I just want to see him end up truly, completely, finally alone.
What do you think? What would you like to see?