Will I ever enjoy being a mom

I need some advice, I’ve heard it gets better blah blah but it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. My LO is 3 weeks old.. so far she’s been a good baby minus the first few nights. She sleeps in 3-4 hour stretches, I’m exclusively pumping basically as I enjoy knowing how many OZ she is getting as opposed to not knowing from my boob (she was lazy on my boob), so I’m washing dishes/bottles 18 times a day, and living my life in 3 hour increments. I need someone to tell me they felt the way I do before, I could go back to my old life easily right now- I don’t think I’d miss my daughter. I do love her, she’s cute as a button I just don’t know if I’m meant to be a mom? I want to be so good for her, but I’m not sure I can do it

I don’t feel depressed or anything I just feel detached from the world and my daughter. I only hangout with my mom- and I enjoy having visitors and venting about my PP experience so far

Anyone else? Does it get easier? Help