Did I Make the right decision?

I’m struggling. FTM and my babe is 6 weeks old. I’m caring for her to the best of my ability but don’t feel overwhelmed with love and feeling regretful of having this baby. Everyone keeps saying it gets better but when does it actually get better? I’m not finding joy in this stage at all and just feel overwhelmed with her cries and trying to figure out what she needs/wants. I’m so nervous I won’t get over the hump and continue feeling like I made the wrong decision in having her. My husband and I are taking on the responsibilities equally so it doesn’t just fall on me. I definitely experienced the baby blues and feel like I have some PPD even though when screened it shows no signs. Also I’m trying to follow a schedule and it’s worked the last week but this week she’s just not having it and I think the anxiety of following a schedule is getting to me…but it’s all about “routine” because babies crave “routine” and I’m like am I failing because she skips naps sometimes because she’s not having it? I’m just feeling lost and isolated. Any other FTMs relate? I’m feeling alone atm.