I can't do this anymore!!
Vent/family and relationships. I despise my in-laws. It's been one thing after another! For background, my fiancé's parents are divorced and don't get along. First, his dad and dad's wife show up at the hospital the next day after I gave birth to our daughter. No biggie, right? We knew my fiancé's brother was sick and told his dad to come with masks. They show up with nothing. Thank God my baby girl was hungry af and kept wanting me to breastfeed her. Oh and another bit of awkwardness trying to be discreet feeding her in front of his dad 🙄 Next, that weekend his dad wanted to come. Come to find out his wife is sick with COVID. but he wants to visit and thinks it's okay because he isn't feeling sick. Que the mama bear blood boiling. He throws a party for the son a week or so later, and I agreed to video chat so they can at least see the baby. He goes and has the damn nerve to give me a hard time for not bringing the baby. And laughs while saying that no one was sick there. Third time he comes over to visit alone, but was wearing a mask. I ask my fiance where the wife is at, she's sick in the fcking car!!! I bet my life that he's wasn't masked up in the car ride over with her. Once again exposing my daughter to preventable sickness. Now my fiancé's mom. The mom has a little get together on another day for my fiancé's brother, just the brother, sister, significant others, and us. Here comes the uncle and aunt, the uncle is coughing and wearing a mask. We have to hide out in a bedroom til it's time to leave. She also makes a comment that, since we decided not to pierce our daughter's ears, that she would get them done herself. A few days ago fiance was on the phone with his mom I guess discussing upcoming vaxs, I want to spread them out since I get nasty reactions I want to make sure at least her first round is okay. I'm not anti vax, so pls don't come after me. She threatens to "call the government on me" if I don't do them all at once. All a joke, but I don't take any threat about my parenting or situations that would take my kids away from me as a joke. Then today, celebrating my fiancé's birthday, we go to his dad's house to celebrate first. I cringe and want to rip my baby from his dad's arms seeing his face close to my baby's. We leave and head out to his sister's apartment where his mom stays. We pull up and his sister let's him know that his mom is sick. This lady who threatens the government on me for wanting to spread out vaxs has the damn nerve to try to pull a fast one on us like this. This lady was supposed to help babysit my baby when I go back to work, but she lost that privilege. She's lucky to even get supervised visits after this shit. I gotta say hands down i appreciate my family so much more. They wouldn't imagine pulling any of this shit. End rant, appreciate your time if you made it this far 😬