Colostrum is no joke
My 3 week old was super fussy today. Wasn’t bc of hunger, did lots of leg movements to get out gas and was pooping and peeing like normal. She was up much longer than usual which might have been why but also I was concerned she wasn’t feeling good. When she did get hungry I grabbed 1 oz of colostrum out of the freezer to add to her milk in case she wasn’t feeling good.
I didn’t time it but I wanna say she slept 4 maybe 4.5 hours… I wish I would have known so I could have slept too but I was eating dinner and cleaning and expected her to wake up. She normally eats every 3 hours if not sooner. Shes gained a lot of weight so I’m not concerned with her going past the 3 hour mark but man that would have been the longest stretch of sleep I could have had since she’s been born 😂😭