Cody Ko ruined Noel.

I had been a long time fan of Cody and Noel, watching them in highschool up until the allegations. (im 25)

Noel Miller is funny as fuck in my opinion, funnier than Cody, always has been. Cody ruined all if any potential for Noel. Noel is genuinely the first youtuber I HOPED would go mainstream. I dont usually get in these reddit threads for anyone. like ever. and this sounds insane but im a chronic youtube watcher (since hs). So when i say this dont think im fucking crazy. but i seriously imagined Noel going HARD into stand up, and ditching Cody (except for maybe the podcast). and branching out into acting. Cody has never really been funny without Noels presence to bounce off of. Im saying this right now because im still subscribed to Noel and seeing him upload is crushing my soul. the view counts. he deserves more than that. and because of the allegations No one even wants to give him the time of day because he was buddies with some secret pervert. This may get deleted idc. i needed to get that off my chest.