Can't balance - is it worth trying?
I've been on a good run of being productive and knocking out tasks. For me this requires basically 0 social media. For like no reason at all. (Chat/messaging apps are different for some reason. I don't really get lost on those).
Today, I had a down moment and began to browse reddit. It destroyed my day. Not reddit per se, my lack of ability to moderate how much time I spend on here. It seemed to have knock on effects too. I ate very shittily today, I got very little of what little I had to get done today.
I can't think of a rational reason why these things are related. I can't think of a reason why I shouldn't be able to moderate. Yet I can't.
I'm thinking of just giving it up altogether. I don't have a problem with planned browsing - like researching buying a new furniture piece for example. It's the unplanned stuff that completely throws me off and destroys an entire day.
For those of you who have found balance with any and all social media(I assume that's why you're still on here), how did you do it? Is it necessary to have balance for the sake of balance? Am I a failure or weak for just cutting out social media altogether (again minus having a specific reason for being there)?