Trying to become a writer / creative but having no muscle to flex - any ounce of boredom/stress and I reach for the devices

Even as I right this post (because it feels like "work") I have the urge to just open up r-all and start browsing. I have given in so badly to my addictions that this is just about all I do, I have written things and created stuff and seen a (very small) modicum of success and progress but it's only when I absolutely have to, deadlines or what not. Any time I face an ounce of boredom or free time, I don't know why but it's so easy to navigate to Reddit on my browser and do this. YOUTUBE is the worst, especially on my work laptop since I'm not allowed to install any filters or whatever. How do I stop this, this is my routine?:

  • Open work laptop in the AM (I WFH) and open up YouTube and try to put on a background podcast but then I end up just scrolling / browsing
  • Cannot deal with silence - sometimes I can be productive (laundry, dishes, etc.) when I have something playing in the background; is this a crutch or should I utilize this a bit? How so?
  • Deleted most apps off my phone yet my browser still exists and it's so easy to go on Incognito Chrome and head to Reddit . com

I need help y'all, I'm at my wits end. I see myself squandering away my potential and who knows before it's too late I might just see this life pass me by :( love this community