Any Catholics Here? I Need A Second Opinion (Long)

I was talking to a priest about whether or not it would be permissible to post on the NakedProgress subreddit because I wanted to make a timelapse video of my weight loss. I let him know that the subreddit is not sexual and don't have any sexual reason for posting. I am not doing it for a sense of "fulfillment" or to be an exhibitionist, but rather because I have a love and appreciation for the human body. I wanted to do this as an act of worship to transform my body into a glorious temple for the Holy Spirit, in thanks that God made this body for me and created me in his own image. I thought that posting in the subreddit once a week would help me with self-care and being accountable with taking care of my body.

He said nudity is not inherently sinful, but that he discourages me because I may cause others to sin. So I asked how much I would be responsible for that since I'm not posting anything sexual and the pictures are in a space that is intended to be non-sexual. I felt that with this logic I could be guilty of any kind of sin without intending it. As an example, I asked if there was a subreddit where people post pictures of their feet; knowing full well that some people have foot fetishes, but the posters' intentions were pure; are they still guilty of sin if someone uses their feet pics in a perverted manner? He didn't answer this question.

He said that nude resorts and posting naked pictures of myself on a non-sexual nude subreddit are different because : 1. People use the internet/reddit to get off. 2. Random people can hate on my naked body. And 3. I could be catering to the kind of people who want to look at my naked pictures for lustful reasons.... I pointed out that all these things could be true about people who go to beaches or nude resorts (that they can judge other people's bodies and go there gawk at naked/half-naked people for their sexual pleasure). He didn't respond to this.

Lastly, he said that I was contradictory in my modesty because irl I wear a niqab, yet I am totally comfortable being naked online. I explained to him that I didn't see any contradiction or lack of modesty one way or the other (modesty reveals the dignity of the human person. I think the catechism says this or something similar). I wear a niqab for the same reason I love nudism: I hate being looked at as a sexual object. When I wear a niqab, I feel that people are forced to look at me and acknowledge who I am as a person. They don't stare at my body when I walk down the street asking "Do you think that girl is hot? Would you f##k her?" They aren't commenting on every part of my body, or deciding if I'm hot enough, pretty enough, thin enough to talk give value to. There is nothing to see or judge.

Likewise, among nudists, there isn't any sexualization of my body. You see my body as just what I look like. There can be an acknowledgement that I'm attractive, but my humanity isn't obscured by my body. With people who are not nudists and are not comfortable with nudity, they usually can't see my humanity if I'm naked, and hardly seem able to see it when I'm clothed. I have a naturally flattering figure— the kind that always made anything I wore seem "inappropriate" when on other girls it would just look plain or cute. But I digress. I don't want to get into body shaming. I'm just trying to explain that I don't see being a nudist and wearing a niqab as contradictory to my modesty as he said.

So the last question I was asked by the priest was would I feel comfortable with my parents, siblings, friends, and co-workers seeing my pictures; and I said absolutely! But of course I know some would be offended by it and see it as sexual, so I wouldn't bother telling them about it. It seems more respectful not to, and if I know some of them would only look at my pictures to be aroused by them, then I definitely wouldn't want them looking. But yeah, I don't have any problems with it. If anyone would want to see with a respectful gaze, then I'm okay with that. There are friends I dress less modestly around when I'm in private with them simply because I know they aren't going to objectify me in any way. It's why I can walk around braless while living with my siblings. They don't care and are not offended.

Okay, this was long and slightly ranty, so here's my question: Do you think the priest made a good point? Is there something I'm not considering or understanding about his moral objections? (He didn't answer some of my questions, so I couldn't get to the bottom of his logic behind them) Is there something I should consider before posting non-sexual nudes of myself that I maybe haven't thought of?