Giving report to someone who consistently makes me feel stupid
I’m not a new grad but I sure feel like it when I give report to this one nurse. I dread it each time. If there is something I don’t know about the patient, she will 100% find it and question me about it. They are relevant questions, but ones I didn’t think of during my shift.
“How long has his creatinine been low like that? You mentioned he was ambulatory at his care facility before this admission, how did he ambulate there? Does he have a cardiologist consult already? Does he use a cpap at home?” Etc etc.
I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve said “I don’t know” and “I don’t remember” to her in today’s report alone. I read through their charts and their orders and do my assessments, but I always miss something when it comes to her and it makes me feel incompetent. I custom made my own report sheet to try to minimize gaps in my knowledge and organize info better but there is still always stuff I didn’t think to look up. It’s all very overwhelming. I’m trying my best but it never seems to be enough.
I don’t have this problem with most other nurses I give report to. There are a couple that are harder to give report to than others, but none that are as hard as her.
Anyway this has made me feel really down on myself and if anyone has felt the same way or has words of advice I’d appreciate it. Days like today make me want to just find a less stressful line of work.