The Reunion Setlist to rule all other Reunion Setlists.
Both brothers will wear matching jackets to symbolise their love and respect for one another.
Peggy Gallagher will emerge onstage to provide backing vocals during Magic Pie.
Bonehead and Guigsy will both make appearances though neither will be playing. They'll simply walk across the stage waving in-between Roll With It and Shakermaker.
Alan White won't be there.
At the end of Digsys, scalding warm lasagne will be sprayed over those closest to the barrier.
After the gig is finished Mucky Fingers will be blasted over the P.A system as the crowd leaves the stadium.
Both brothers will wear matching jackets to symbolise their love and respect for one another.
Peggy Gallagher will emerge onstage to provide backing vocals during Magic Pie.
Bonehead and Guigsy will both make appearances though neither will be playing. They'll simply walk across the stage waving in-between Roll With It and Shakermaker.
Alan White won't be there.
At the end of Digsys, scalding warm lasagne will be sprayed over those closest to the barrier.
After the gig is finished Mucky Fingers will be blasted over the P.A system as the crowd leaves the stadium.