Guys I don’t get why people are so mad

I don’t get why so many people are mad about the new event. I managed to get 200/100 floors required for the name card. It only took me like 25 hours of retrying today. I used Dainslief for all of my clears (You can get him for free at AR 65 btw so idk why people complain its pay to win).

Honestly if you can’t clear you have skill issue. If you didn’t spend 25 hours trying to clear idk why you are even playing this game, stop complaining.

Mihoyo is such an ingenious company, I hope they designed the next combat event in such a way that it only buffs the 1st Ascender (leaked upcoming DPS suske). If you don’t get this character, its on you for not looking at leaks, saving up primos or swiping.

I also hope the 1st Ascender powercreeps every existing character and deals 1million dps just by staring at enemies, so I don’t have to use other characters with complex mechanics and fun gameplay to clear content.