I spoke to 3 English Teachers & a English Professor about Interception's wording.

Firstly, here is the 2024's version

* Interception Fighting Style Feat (Prerequisite: Fighting Style Feature)

When a creature you can see hits another creature within 5 feet of you with an attack roll, you can take a Reaction to reduce the damage dealt to the target by 1d10 plus your Proficiency Bonus. You must be holding a Shield or a Simple or Martial weapon to use this Reaction. *

The other day I asked this subreddit weather or not the word "another is referring to diffrent target from the attacker or a diffrent target from the user of this fighting style.

Damn near every comment said this means both applies here. That bothered me due to the double meaning so I went to someone who has a better knowledge of how sentence structures work. Then another, and another, and another. Here's what they agreed and disagreed with.


1.Explanitory text should never have a double meaning.

To add to this, they mentioned anyone getting paid to write this would absolutely know this, since it's an amateur move that middle & high school students are taught.

The Professor also pointed out the amount of rewrites all books need to go through, no matter the genre, that there is no way this would not be caught by someone & that this is likley a case of the writing team knowing the intentional meaning but it being missed upon multiple rewrites by the editing team since it would be told to them during development.

  1. The target of the word "Another" is absolutely referring to the target of the attack, not the user of the Fighting style.

From what I was told, the subject of the sentence is 'a creature you can see'. That noun is then performing the verb of hitting a creature that is not itself. The user of the fighting style, (you) is not brought up until the sec9nd half of the sentence

The English Professor has also been playing DnD since chainmail, doubled down in this because in 5e the text of the Interception Fighting Style explicitly states, "other than you". Considering they took out and added words to other parts of the books to nerf and buff certain things, he told me this was 100% intentional.


  1. The text can still be interpreted however the read wishes. I.E. take this text as you will.

Two teachers mentioned this idea, and the last teacher plus the Professor seemed VERY insistent this wasn't up for interpretation.

This honestly suprised me since they all seemed on the same page before about how the sentence structure works.

My Personal Thoughts:

I was on the fence either way until the English Professor pointed out that 5e mentioned the "other than you" part.

Sadly this does rule out abusing a Teifling attacking himself with green flame blade idea I had.

The whole interpretation thing... is weird to me since they spoke about explanatory text needs to be clear & what not. I suspect this is a case of teachers needing to be noncommittal in their work when dealing with kids, idk.

I'll be real here, while this did cost me 16 hours of driving, some of my mental sanity, & risking looking like a doofus to the guy who will approve or disapprove of me getting a degree, I'd say this was worth it to get as good of an answer as one could get without talking to Jeremy Crawford.

So I can say with 98% certainly, that you can infact use Interception on yourself. Feel free to play your tables how you wish, but 4 diffrent people who are FAR more expirenced in linguistics than most of us, all came to a similar independent conclusion.