4 or 5 Days a Week
Hey everyone, 48 year old man. I've been at OTF for over a year now and I'm really liking it and I'm seeing results. I've been going 3 days a week (M, Th, & Sa), mostly doing 2/3g with strength upper on Mondays. I really like biking (loooong rides) and now that the weather is getting warm, I'm hitting the road and I was thinking about cutting back to 2 days a week but now I'm actually thinking I might go the opposite way and try 4 or 5 days a week. Those of you that do this, what kind of rest are you getting in there? Do you just take it easy on some of your days? One person told me that she does back to back 2/3g with strength. I guess I'm a little worried about injury, I've had to deal with some tendonitis and I have occasional knee issues. What are some of your approaches for going 4 or 5 days?