
I'm girl with serval problems. I feel that my ortodonist doesn't care or pay attention to my problems. I do have crowded teeth and molars angeld inwards and for that she said said braces and 4 extractions. My other problems she didn't care at all.

My problems: -V shaped jaws. (too smal jaws) My tongue doesn't fit my jaw and I have problems with breathing specially at night and when excersizing. As well as problems chewing/ eating (takes super long time for me). As well as speaking problems.

-I have clicking/popping in my jaws

I suggested expanding the jaw but she said no because my upper jaw/maxila matches my lower/mandible. And that lower jaws are much harder to expand so there's a risk for a bite problem/ unmatch according to her.

Well they match but both are small and cause me health problems/ symptoms so it doesn't matter that they match. And just because they match doesn't mean that it shouldn't be treated. And if it's so hard to match there's surgery? I mean just skipping due to risk isn't a solution + isn't surgery precisely? (forgot to talk with her about surgery as an option but I feel she would have said no as well and not even letting a more expert person in jaws looking at me)

Because I do feel problems in jaw level and just replace my teeth into straighter position will not solve only solve like bruxism.

(Also I forgot to ask her but in the case of 4 teeth needed to be extracted can file between them be an option)

What should I do? Second opinion? I have I right to get my jaw problems adressed don't I?

Why do you ortodonists just move teeth and don't care about what people feel and just want the quicker way. It's sad. And problematic