Technique for Asymmetrical Face
Hi there again! I've posted relatively recently about my progress and it yielded quite a bit of people requesting i start making videos of my techniques.
I'd like for all this info to be freely available and i decided to create a youtube channel where i can post the techniques. I do want to eventually compile all of this knowledge I've been gathering into a free ebook. The problem with that is funding, so i created a patreon to basically cover more in depth what my yt videos are talking about. It's "pay what you want" starting at $1/mo and you'll basically get to see a ton of articles, videos, explanations, etc. And ofc i can answer questions there as well. The patreon is to essentially fund the free ebook.
But back to the yt videos. I want these techniques to be freely available for self healing. It's not your fault that dentists or orthos have damaged you! And i want to help people heal these damages and restore their face to It's genetic potential, or at least provide some relief from cranial strains. You shouldn't have to pay thousands of dollars to another ortho just so they can maybe fix one piece of the cranial puzzle.
Anywho, this video is about the cranial strain called Lateral Strain, and typically it manifests as a fuller face on one side, with an ear poking out more on that same side. If you have multiple cranial strains, like i do/did (I've fixed my lateral strain for the most part), then you might only have the ear poking out on one side and possibly an eyebrow that is higher than the other. Lateral Strain typically forms during the birth process, if one of your mothers hips turns more outward than the other, and assuming you were born vaginally. It can also happen from a large blow to the head.
Anyways, i hope yall enjoy. If you're unsure if you have lateral strain, just send me a pic.
Here is a link to my youtube channel:
Here is a link to my patreon:
And here is the video link in case it doesnt open here:
Fun fact, i made the song in the video too haha.
Okay that's all. Love, Anika