New top players are bad at the game?

Hey guys so yesterday i was scrolling this reddit and i saw a print of how was the top 50 when lifeline got to 1 digit (today, 5 years later he is literally 1pp alway from being back to 2 digit). And when i saw that image of the top 50 players i recognized almost every name. But if i do that today, i will recognize like a quarter of the top 50 players. So i wanna know why this is happening.

I imagine theres a few reasons but im not very sure so you can comment if you desagree.

First and biggest reason - 1 digit players, mainly mrekk. So, idk why but im not very of a twitch user, but when i open it, there are the players that are on the top 10 (ivaxa, acolibed, ninerik etc etc etc) with like 1k viewers. But when you see a player that is above top 30 they have like 200/400 viewers, that's still a lot but you can see that gap between the two. And we all know its not because they are bad, becuse they are fucking 2 digit players they are the best osu players in the world. But i think its because everyone wants to see like INSANE PLAYS (1200pp+ and shit) and its very rare that you see someone out of the top 10 getting more than 1200pp plays.

Second reason - Few streamers. This one kinda complements the topic below. The 5-years-ago top 50 was full of streamers, and this is the reason why i recognized almost every name on the list. Practically every top player streamed back in the day. And they be making insane plays each, and everyone saw these plays. But now that we have this skill-gap between 1 and 2 digit players, all the spotlights goes only to the 1 digit players.

THINGS TO CONSIDER - 1 . English is not my 1st language so it may be kinda confuse this text. 2 . I stopped playing osu! in 2020 and i got back mid-2024 so a lot of what im saying here can be explained with that 4 years gap but i dont know nothing that happened in these years.