Are there any fictional characters you guys like that physically are not that attractive to you but their personality more then makes up for it?
So I have been playing this game called Homicipher which has light otome properties. Almost all of the characters are visually horrific monsters but their personalities can be kind, silly, grumpy, etc... I just got the Blissful Love Life ending and I am so firkin' happy! Basically you take Mr. Crawling home to the real world and he becomes your stay at home boyfriend, it's super cute.I legitimately got the same bubbly, giggly feeling I get with other otome games from this scene. This is a testament to how, no matter how a character looks, if there personality is good people can fall for them. I have had nightmares of monsters looking my Mr. Crawling but he is so sweet, gentle, and caring that I can fall for him regardless.
So I ask you guys: is there any fictional character that physically do not appeal to you, whether that be something simple like having too many muscles then you like or something very different like another species, but the character's personality has you falling for them despite it?