Lore Questions (ALL THE SPOILERS)


Hey guys so I just wanted to make sure I understand the Nomai’s plan. I figure it’s more fun talking to you all about it then just reading wiki page lol. So if I have it all right….

The Nomai stranded themselves here while looking for the Eye of the Universe. Then they decided to continue here.

They designed the orbital probe cannon to fire probes out at randomly generated locations, with these probes looking for the signal generated by the Eye.

They also designed the masks, which would capture the memories of whoever was bonded to them. These would be used to capture the memories of Chief Nomai scientists so that they could continue their work. One would also be synced to the orbital probe cannon to recover the results of every probe launch.

The mask receivers would be stored inside the core of the Ash Twin, which was reinforced to withstand a supernova. The ash twin project would also use the power of the supernova to reset time by 22 minutes.

By doing this, the Nomai could fire as many probes as it took to find the eye of the universe, (and cause as many supernovas as they needed) while still accomplishing this feat within their natural life spans.

Of course, this all fell apart when the Sun station didn’t work. Then the interloper arrived, and the Nomai were wiped out.

That brings us to now. With the Sun’s natural death, the Ash twin project has activated, the time loop is active and now the hatchling is conscious of it after bonding with the Nomai mask.

Does this all check out??