Top 12 things this game NEEDS in my opinion

Here's my list of things that I would like to see in the game

  1. Mythic animations - Okay, so this will never happen, but I saw a concept video showing custom animations for mythic skins and... well, this is the best thing I've ever seen and I wish it was real.

  2. Spray change - Hear me out, I know it's a detail but I think cute and pixel sprays should be updated to the OW2 hero designs, maybe it can be changed in the settings or it would happen only while using the default OW2 (not OW1) skin. Of course, doing this as a variant for every skin is out of the question because that would be too much... and unnecessary... but I think just OW2 variant is not too much to ask for.

  3. Clans - They've been talking about this, possibly even testing this, so I would like to see how they would implement it.

  4. Defense should be fun to play - I mean, attackers always have more fun, while on the defense, going through the map and waiting 30 seconds for the attackers to leave spawn is just boring. I actually came up with an idea how to fix that based on the flashpoint maps, why not have some sort of speed boost for the defenders, so they arrive at least a bit faster (of course, only before the match starts) maybe also there can be some jump pads (that would be turned off when the actual match begins) or maybe even, one random health pack would be replaced by a one use only 5% ult charge (also, I'm just gonna mention it here, we should have the ability to switch health packs for Torb armor packs in Custom Games) for head start for whoever finds it (and if nobody takes it, it will just disappear at the start of the match, obviously), I don't know, just, when I play defense I always have less fun and it's mainly because of the boring waiting time... or maybe I guess at the very least they should rework some maps (and not only attack/defense maps, some control maps as well, in control two versions of the map are good but then there's also one bad variant, at least in case of Busan (Sanctuary) and Ilios (Ruins), in my opinion at least, oh and like all Push and Clash maps should be reworked but that's definitely not gonna happen... well, at least Flashpoint maps are getting reworked... and at the very least they will add map voting) or at the very least finally fix the fences and make them properly breakable (I think you know what I mean if you ever tried destroying the fences on Castillo and Practice Range or the little wooden poles at Busan Sanctuary... or pots at Shambali or Numbani... same with Wall Masks on Numbani). Oh well, we should at least be able to choose which gamemode we wanna play (escort, control etc.) before the match. Okay, speaking of maps, they should at least revamp some textures on some of the maps (just look at the walls at the attacker's spawn at King's Row).

  5. Old Highlight Intros - They should re-add the default Overwatch 1 highlight intros, I have no idea why they even removed them, they should have kept them like OW1 skins and everything else. Also, I'm just gonna mention it here, it should actually be visible what new things from the loot boxes are in the hero gallery, since it was also removed for some reason, I mean, now you can see it but it's less clear (same thing with seeing what new is in the shop, it just keeps showing "new" all the time). By the way, since this is a similar topic, also from OW1, it would be neat if the OW1 voice lines (like D.Va's "I play to win" etc.) returned while using the basic OW1 skin, this would probably take like five minutes to implement since it even returned in Overwatch Classic (speaking of voice lines, I have no idea how come all heroes still don't have the karaoke lines and I wish young skins had younger sounding voices like they originally planned).

  6. Archives - Do I need to say more? Seriously, we lost PVE, so they should at least bring back the Archives. If not, then they should at least bring back tower defense or Underworld.

  7. Disconnection check - Well, everyone gets disconnected sometimes and getting locked from playing for two minutes (well, sometimes it can happen twice in a row) for that is not fair. They should add some sort of system that checks if the player quit or got disconnected (it should not be that hard, basically just checking if the player pressed the "leave" button or not).

  8. Arcade rework - Okay, hear me out, currently in the Arcade, only three game modes are permanent, those being Assault, Deathmatch and No Limits, while four other game modes are random and change everyday. In all honesty, I think that 1v1 and 3v3 game modes should be permanent as well instead of being a part of the rotation (possibly, with 1v1 randomly rotating between classic 1v1 and mystery 1v1 but that's all), those are the most classic Arcade game modes, probably the main reason people play arcade other than the Deathmatch (at least, for me it's like that) and honestly, in every other game, modes likes this would be permanent and default.

  9. Looking for group - Keeping this one short, it would be nice if they re-added it. Sure, maybe it wasn't used a lot, but when it was used, it was very useful.

  10. Choosing weapon skins - There should be an ability to set weapon skins and hero skins separately to create combinations, you know, for example we have OW1 skin set but with OW2 weapon, something like this was requested for years. I even made a concept here.

  11. More announcers - Come on, we've been hearing Athena's voice for almost a decade now. We should be able to choose more voices, why not have Sojiro or Balderich, Halfred Glitchbot or heck, maybe even Timmy (the kid form the first cinematic) announce everything instead of Athena, the more options the better. I mean, they do that during events sometimes, so just add more voices and it's ready (maybe even voices of every hero, why not).

  12. Healer changes - Why should only the damage count for POTG? What if someone saves the whole team in an epic way? That's the first change I would have done, insane healing should also count for POTG, sure it would be rare but at least it would be able to happen, right now the only real way to get a POTG as a healer is booping the whole team as Lucio, becoming Battle Mercy or... well, playing Moira. Also, I was thinking, why not add an icon showing if Mercy's rez is ready or not so the teammates stop getting mad for not reviving them when the ability is on cooldown, but I noticed that some people have suggested icons like this for all heroes (this channel is a literal goldmine for Overwatch improvements BTW).

Also, skin voting, as in, players vote on the best skin that gets added

Oh and the option to set ability colors in custom games, like in Overwatch league

and they should bring back the hero gallery background switching, instead of only showing the practice range

Maybe also new cosmetic, for example banners

Also, okay, they cancelled PVE, but we need something to push the story, maybe Netflix will make the Overwatch series after all if we show enough interest in it.

But at least, there should be an ability to play practice range with friends... if that's not already a thing, I have no friends so I had no way of checking it LOL

I know the chances of any of this happening are slim, but, who knows (still most likely higher than Blizzard adding an underwater map or a hero with a flamethrower... or map editor/maker... or skin trading).