Couple Captured, Story by u/adlate7742
Alicia and I were buzzing for todays house viewing. We had rented a little cosy apartment for 3 years now to save up for the house of our dreams. In a quiet suburb, nice transport links to the city nearby, a pool, jacuzzi, a large garden for out future dog (we had a share notes page for names of them). Alicia wasn’t bothered about viewing it as she insisted it was clearly perfect, but I wanted to be on the safe side.
The landlord currently owned the house but was looking to sell it, so would let us in for the viewing himself, we were told by the agency. He was a wealthy man in his mid thirties, and told us he wanted to move closer to his family down south, so was eager to find suitable new owners. Alicia got chatting to him about the south, as she grew up there too, and I excused myself to have a nosy around the garden.
It was just as I hoped it would be, well maintained and spacious. I decided to go back inside with a view to checking out the upstairs of the house. When I got in, it was notably quiet I couldn’t hear Alicia at all, but I could see her handbag dropped halfway up the stairs.
“Alicia?” I called out, assuming she must have missed it, picking it up on my way.
Upstairs all but one door was wide open, and I could see a sole button from Alicia’s cardigan on the floor. Starting to fear for her, I barrelled into the room quickly.
Into a trap.
I just about had enough time to see her passed out on the bed, when the landlord managed to quickly take advantage of my reckless entry, tripping me up and landing on top of me, primed with a sweet-smelling rag that he clamped over my mouth and nose.
“Now now darling, don’t struggle, you’ll be nice and safe with me” His voice said sinisterly as I faded out of consciousness, unable to fight.
When I woke, it felt as though my body was weightless. it was now I imagined being in space to feel. Suspended in the air.
Not that I had much time to dwell on that, as a more pressing matter was seeing a hooded head poking out of the ground in front of me. The shape of the face seemed all too familiar. I panicked and screamed, realising Alicia and I had been kidnapped, but it was no use.
I too, was buried underground, only my head sticking out, unlike Alicia I could see, but I felt something covering my mouth.
“MMMGGHHH!” I cried out, my body totally immobilised, and that’s when I heard footsteps.
“Darling, you had a nice long sleep!” He said calmly “welcome to your new home, I suppose you have a lot of questions, but let me start with the most obvious ones. Yes, that is Alicia in front of you. You are currently encased in cement, and now a garden decoration!” He seemed genuinely joyous about that. “I say currently, I do of course mean forever, i’ve decided that with my two lovely additions to my house, I no longer want to sell it.
“MMMFFFGG! MMMGGF GOMMMM!” I tried to scream let me go but the words didn’t materialise.
“So alike, you two!” Your lover over there screamed just as much. “I suspect she still is screaming, actually, but I crammed her pretty mouth full, nobody wants noisy neighbours!”
“MMMPFHHHH!” I wailed and stared daggers at him, but his smile only grew.
“You want a similar fate? How can I deny such a request?” He laughed as he picked up about a dozen pairs of panties and a very long and thick dildo gag that was on the floor behind my head, he unbuckled my current gag and picked up a wad of panties, ready to stuff in my mouth.
“WHAT THE FU…MMMMM” I called out, but he was quick.
“A pair of brats, I see. Much training to be done…”