Cause of pancreatitis
I was recently diagnosed with acute pancreatitis a little less than 2 weeks ago. I've had 3 ER visits with 2 admissions of 3-5 days. They tell me i would need an endoscopic ultrasound to get a handle as to get a closer look at my pancreas. I've already had 3 CT scans in the past 10 days with no signs of necrotizing pancreatitis. I'm a pretty health person no smoking l, drinking like 2-3/year.
They have told me I don't fall into the typical cases as I don't drink excessively, don't do drugs, have normal triglycerides levels, normal liver levels, no trama to the area, and i have no gallbladder so gallstones are ruled out. Only this taht was elevated was my lipase at 300+. It's gone down everyday but if I have an suddrnt round of pancreas pain it seems to spike.
I wanted to know if others have an underlying condition I can try to explore to help try find answers while im in the ER. I have a GI appt. But it's not for a while.
Any suggestions would help!