I still have parental controls I’m 20M
My mom has Kidslox on my phone. It’s so humiliating! A lot of my friends know I have these controls on too because it’s hard to hide when my phone locks up or I can’t access a link they sent because it’s blocked by Kidslox. I’m still given a bedtime, my phone locks at 10pm every night. I think the worst part is still having restricted access to the web and YouTube. I am 20 for christs sake I should be allowed to not only decide my own bedtime but also decide what content I will watch. Is there anyone else here who still has parental controls as an adult? I’ve disabled them in the past but my mom always finds out and ends up grounding me in which is way worse than having restricted internet access and limited screen time. When I’m grounded I get zero access to my phone or computer. At least with the controls I can still use my phone, I’m just restricted, monitored, and given a limited screen time :/