How long do your feeds take?

Hi there,

My boys were preemies and are almost 3 months old, 1 month. adjusted.

My boys were in the NICU for 38 days and before leaving we had them both feeding at the same time and they were eating within 15 minutes. Last 2-3 weeks they have been taking over an hour.

I’m waiting for their cues. Usually they are screaming in hunger, but they seem to fall asleep half way through a feed and it’s a struggle getting them to finish their bottle.

They used to feed every 3 hours. Now they seem to do 3 hours during the day and 4 hours at night.

I also noticed because we’re trying to feed them for over an hour at times, they end up having a lot more spit up, at times even vomit.

I’m not sure what we’re doing wrong but how do we go back to the 15-20’min feeds?

We are tired!