Advice on transitioning from Post Doc (chemistry) to Technical Specialist/Scientific Advisor
Hi Everyone! I have a PhD in organic/computational chemistry and my postdoctoral contract just ended. I'm looking for technical specialist roles but have not had much luck in finding them and then hearing anything back from the ones I have applied to. I did have one interview about 2 weeks ago, but have not heard back since and have gotten no response to my follow up emails. Which feels quite bad.
In my cover letter, I talk about my plans to take the patent bar (would do so now, but unfortunately don't have much money saved up to buy a course and I'm currently unemployed) to be a patent agent and eventually go to law school to become a patent attorney. Which is a very sincere goal I have, and it's not meant to come across as pandering or anything lol
Thus far, my approach has been linkedin (obviously) and searching google with the keywords "patent law firm Chicago (or any city) chemistry" and going page by page looking for openings. I also religously check the patentlyo job board. Is there anything better I can be doing to try and break into the field? Or any tips on how to secure interviews?
For reference, I'm located in Pittsburgh and willing to relocate nearly anywhere in the US.
I would really appreciate any advice you have! Thank you for your time :)