Item tiers being reversed from poe1 is confusing and counter productive
big edit: I was wrong about tiered unidentified items being unable to roll mods that have less possible tiers than the tier of unid items, aka a t5 unid quiver can still roll +2 proj, even though +proj only has 2 tiers. I tested it with an ilvl 61 t5 unid quiver, it rolled a t4 proj speed mod. Proj speed normally has 5 tiers, but t5 requires ilvl 82. So if a mod has fewer possible tiers than the unid tier, it can still roll the highest tier of that mod. Which is actually pretty good, should make +3 gem levels on amulets for example more common on t3/4/5 unid amulets.
I haven't seen much talk about this, item tiers being reverted is very annoying, counter productive to tiered unidentified items and even worse for new players than the poe1 system.
Higher tier number = better mod sounds fine at first, but the game does not tell you whether a mod is the highest tier you can get or not, making it even harder to tell whether an item is good or not, especially for new players. In poe1 when you got an item with 6 t1 mods you knew that at least all mods were of the highest possible tier. In poe2 highest mod tiers range from as low as 2 to as high as 13.
little ed: some mods like mana even have different numbers of tiers on different item types, for example 12 on helmets but 13 on rings.
This effectively forces the player to look up item tiers at third party sites (poedb). Both new players and poe1 veterans suffer from this, at least veterans know where to find the info, which new players do not. (Also, new players googling for info like that often results in them unknowingly clicking on websites that do the big nono).
This kind of tiering of modifiers is also very much counter productive to the concept of tiered unidentified items. For example some very powerful mods like +2 proj lvls from quiver only has 2 tiers, so a t3 unid quiver cannot even roll that mod. And since it's such a powerful mod that basically any quiver wants to roll it makes t3+ unid quivers inherently worse and basically not even worth picking up.
There sure are workarounds for this problem, but all of them are super clunky and would only result in even more problems and confusion for new players. For example if +2 proj lvls had 5 tiers, each giving the same +2, identifying a t5 unid would mean it's 80% less likely to roll that powerful mod.
And it's not just quivers that suffer from this, same goes for +skill lvls on amulets and helmets and gloves and foci, or max res on shields, or charm slots on belts, even cast speed on rings only has 4 tiers, so a t5 unid ring can't even roll that.
Just reverting it back to poe1 tiering, where t1 is the best you can get, would solve all those problems and make it much easier to understand for new players. An ingame explanation about tiers would also help a lot. Of course being able to see all possible mods, their tiers, tags and weightings ingame would be the holy grail, but we all know that's never going to happen.
The current tiering system is just annoying and causes a lot of problems.
edit: someone in the comments said they identified a t5 unid item and got lower tier mods, presumably because those mods didn't have 5 tiers. I have not paid attention to every single tiered unid I identified, but the ones where I did I never saw that. Can anyone confirm? Because if that's true then at least that problem goes away entirely.