What safe dino would you recommend after rhamp and struthi

I played rhamp a lot, then played struthi, both lacking on damage department and when I died with them, it's bcz i pushed it too far, like harassing hatz players or bleeders etc,

i like the idea of there's noone that sees my struthi or rhamp and think like I'll kill that, it's not like eo or dasp, noone target these dinos,

so im looking for a dino that can deal more damage than struthi, and also can escape when situation got rough,

im mobile player and i don't like dying, when i was struthi i was only able to kill babies,

I don't want play hatz though, I'll never play hatz,

Also don't recommend laten pls, pycno and alio smoked my laten,

i have a few dino on my mind, pachy and styra and pycno, i saw a post about how it's impossible for a styra to kill dasp etc, bcz styra slower and burn more stamina also don't do enough damage,

if you pachy, pycno or styra main would you recommend it to me,

Honourable mention to Campto main guy, we love you and your pink campto but i have to deal more damage. Even struthi more threatening than campto😕