PC SSD not accessible after playing 3 hours of games

I have had this persistent crashing of my ssd for playing Rainbow 6, and I have tried troubleshooting and just thought maybe my overclock was the reason for this happening because before overclocking no crashing was happening, but now since I have overclocked it, it has been crashing hella. Every three times the drive is not accessible no more. I have opened my case up and reinstalled the SSD, but that did not work. I have tried everything I could. I have a m.2 ssd that I bought back around 2020. I thought it was my powersupply because it is really old and got it back in 2016, but found some threads that said that if it were a PSU error the PC would shut off. I have also had blue screen whenever I try to play RTX heavy games like portal RTX. I have made sure all my drivers are up to date and even did a BIOS update on my motherboard. I have to restart my computer in order for it to be accessible again.

RTX 3060 ti FE

430 PSU

Ryzen 5 3600

B450M Tomohawk Max

Corsair 2x8 3200mhz ddr4

m.2 1tb WesternDigital