Finance in relationship advice.

Honest advice girlfriend debt.

Hey all, I started dating this girl for about 5 months and just found out about her finances and need advice on moving forward.

Gf 26 Income 100k a year with around 750-1k bonus a month. $400 a month from a friend who store stuff in her basement.

Bills Mortgage: 2k a month (she did not qualify for this loan her brother co signed) (purchased before a I met her) not even a year. Student loans 1,500 a month. 187k in private loans at 7.8 interest on a 20 year payment plan. Car loan $500 a month. Car is upside down. Payments into 2030 9.8 interest rate. HOA $380. Notes Does have retirement is 9k a year after match. Savings: 1k

Me 29 Income 65k Bills Rent :$450. Might get a studio apartment. Live with a friend so could be around 800-1k with utilities. Student loans 340 a month. I have 27k left in federal loans I pay more than 340 a month will be gone in a few years.

Savings: Retirement: 13% of my income including match. HYSA:8k Roth IRA: 2k Brokerage: 5k.

Will this work any suggestions on how to improve and not put most my adult life on hold?