Am I too conservative?

My wife and I (early 30s) make $345k gross income in medium/highish cost of living area. We’ve only become higher earners in the past 3 years or so. Currently have just a $1700 mortgage on our starter home and need a bigger house as we have one young child in daycare and plan to have another. Since housing prices shot up a couple years ago, homes that are desirable to us are going for 800-850k. We have no other debt at the moment, but daycare is close to $2k/mo.

Currently max out both 401ks and save an additional $4500 a month. Am I crazy for thinking we can’t afford a $850k house? We would be comfortable putting down about $275k which would leave a mortgage (including taxes and insurance) of about $4200 a month.

I’ve just become very attached to saving a lot of money every month and having a hard time grappling with letting that go. We will also need a new/bigger care in the next few years, certainly once a 2nd child arrives. TIA!